Day-One Dictator

Dictator Donald isn’t who I’d be—

Although Day One would have to be exempt:

You’d let me close the border, whether sea

Or land or air, allow me to pre-empt

No-drilling zones, and countenance a law

Exonerating any sitting prez

Detained unfairly by malicious jaw

In Washington from what the rap sheet says.

Concluding my Day One would be an act

That gives a sitting prez the right to jail

All liberals who question MAGA fact

Too often, and replace them with a hail

Of yes-men … Then I’d be the savior who

Returned the Constitution by Day Two!


Mike Mesterton-Gibbons is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Florida State University who has returned to live in his native England. His acrostic sonnets have appeared in Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Better Than Starbucks, The Creativity Webzine, Current Conservation, the Ekphrastic Review, Grand Little Things, Light, Lighten Up Online, MONO., the New Verse News, Oddball Magazine, Rat’s Ass Review, the Satirist, the Washington Post and WestWard Quarterly. The poem was prompted by the Guardian story, “Trump says he will be a dictator only on ‘day one’ if elected president.”