Artwork © Claudio Parentela



I was on the couch reading Gaugin’s life story
and his expeditions for artistic inspiration.
In ways, I could see myself in the same light:

I could see myself penniless, rolling my life
savings down the crap shoot on a place somewhere
in French Polynesia on a beach. A place where the
sea runs up to a reed and thatch hut just inside of
the tree lines as I listen to the water rise and crash
along the edge of the sand while I sit on a stool
mixing my paints or scribbling into a journal.
Drinking booze in the afternoon, lighting up
one joint after another, and finding some darkwomen
to keep me company. My skin and hair
bleached by the sun. My pale face covered in
big burnt orange clusters of freckles, going
project to project. Creating until something
profound was finished and ready to set the
world on fire. Or at least something good
enough to buy me a boatride back home so
I too can die an artist’s death in the gutter
and inspire the next Picasso to paint my dead
lifeless body lying face down in the street.


Jacob J. Graham is from New Jersey and a graduate of Rowan University. His comedy podcast BADGRAHAMER is available on most podcast platforms.

Born in Catanzaro (1962-Italy) where he lives and works, Claudio Parentela is an illustrator, painter, digital painter, photographer, mail artist, cartoonist, collagist, textile artist and freelance journalist. He has been Active since many years in the international contemporary art scene.