Photography © Glenn Bowie



I bless the halls you walk through
all peeling paint, by now
what is my hour of need?
We’ve ridden up and down
the decades squandering
time— was that to be
the equation
Did we know in advance
deer would eat
the climbing pink roses
thorns and all
down to the dirt.


Susan Isla Tepper is a twenty year writer in all genres, and the author of 11 published books of fiction and poetry and 5 stage plays. Her play Crooked Heart will appear in the Origin Theatre Company’s May Play Festival in NYC. Office, her satirical Novel that takes place in a NYC skyscraper during the covid lockdown has been re-published as a Second Edition.

Glenn Bowie is a published poet, lyricist, musician and photographer from the Boston area. He also owns and operates an elevator company that supplies custom-built elevators for clients from New England to Hollywood. The author of two poetry and photograph collections (Under the Weight of Whispers and Into the Thorns and Honey) from Big Table Publishing, he donates all profits from his books to various charities for the homeless and local animal shelters.