Photography © Jason Wright


How It’s Done

Presiding by precedents,
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
did spend her whole life
at the top of her game.

Nothing about her was
too busy breaking
new ground to throw blame.


Karen Greenbaum-Maya, retired psychologist, German major, two-time Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, and, occasional photographer, no longer lives for Art but still thinks about it a lot. Her work has appeared in B O D Y, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, Comstock Poetry Review, Heron Tree, Spillway, and, Rappahannock Poetry Review. Kattywompus Press publishes her three chapbooks, Burrowing Song, Eggs Satori, and, Kafka’s Cat. Kelsay Books publishes The Book of Knots and Their Untying. She co-curates Fourth Sundays, a poetry series in Claremont, California.

Jason Wright is the editor and founder of Oddball Magazine.