Photography © Glenn Bowie



go deeper,
the scribe divined
the mountains will keep

cast off the leaded cape,
unclasp the iron neckerchief
that chafes and binds

release the dark verdicts
strike, now, at the heart
of a thousand denigrations

eat from the banquet
of your truth
let it reveal itself

you are worthy
that you might ascend


Julie Johnson: “I’m drawn to poetry that’s odd and quirky, verse that tends toward the surreal, what some might call speculative though I’ve yet to really nail just what that means. I retired seven years ago, acquired a much-yearned-for puppy shortly thereafter, and husband and I are now ready to have some summertime fun with a new boat, which should be a bit of an adventure since neither of us have any such experience. I love to read, I love to hike, I love photography. And I love poetry.”

Glenn Bowie is a published poet, lyricist, musician and photographer from the Boston area. He also owns and operates an elevator company that supplies custom-built elevators for clients from New England to Hollywood. The author of two poetry and photograph collections (Under the Weight of Whispers and Into the Thorns and Honey) from Big Table Publishing, he donates all profits from his books to various charities for the homeless and local animal shelters.