I had it all,
I thought I did.
But I had none, and
none is all there is.

I admire you,
how you keep going.
I wonder how your
boat keeps floating.

I understand you
have gone through much
and life really isn’t
filled with much love.

I am sorry too
I did this
to you.

Put you through
so much struggle
You didn’t have
to go through.

I thought you
were something.
I thought you
had It all.

You do have it all
locked inside you.
I don’t know what
you’re supposed to do.

Just be there
for me, and I
will be there
for you.


Jason Wright is the editor and founder of Oddball Magazine. His column appears weekly. His third book, Train of Thought 2: Almost Home is available now at the Oddball Book Store.