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Poem by Stacy Esch

"Cricklewood Street" © Stacy Esch


“It’s Not So Quiet on Cricklewood Street”
For TW

Rain and birdsong have left the air
But the rolling thrum of heavy tires on asphalt
And dandelions rolling over in the grass
Rumble with fumes from a gas-powered mower
Confuse the ball that wobbles toward the curb
Ignition clicks on the grill
And the fire in the pit
Spreads everywhere


Stacy Esch teaches writing, literature, and pop culture at West Chester University of Pennsylvania where she’s trying to be a good academic who truly believes in the arts and humanities. She has recently published poems, photos and artwork in several small press venues, including wordriver, Turkshead Review, and Oddball Magazine and has collaborated on a chapbook of poems and artwork for Spruce Alley Press. Not drawing is not an option. She currently lives and works in beautiful West Chester, Pennsylvania, surrounded by people, pets, and stuff that is endlessly inspiring.


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