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Poem by Mallika Bhaumik

Photography © Luis Lazaro Tijerina



Acceptance is the best way,
they say,
so I let go the questions,
they slide,
they fall
like burnt out crackers losing their gunpowder,
a torn sky looks on.
Our sharpness rounded off
we too decide to carry on,

You and I sit down with coffee,
we talk of the regular things-
rising price, calorie counts, colleagues
and relatives
I tell you,”it’s better to cook in olive oil,”
and we munch on the cookies.
Some irksome shadows lurk around the fringes of our words,
our faces become the walls of our old home,
colours peeling off,
why is it that I feel your furtive glances
around the room?
I stir the spoon
dissolving myself in the aromatic brew.
The scum of my soul surfaces,
I shudder to see
– a chameleon!


Mallika Bhaumik’s book of poetry, Echoes, is currently available on Amazon. She has contributed in anthologies and magazines like Cafe Dissensus, Duan’s poetree, Gloom, GetBenga, Narrow Road and others. She lives in kolkata (India) and loves to write about people, their emotions, and the life that she sees around her.

Luis Lázaro Tijerina was born in Salina, Kansas. Mr. Tijerina has a Master of Art degree in history, concentration being military history and diplomacy. He is a published author of military theory, short stories, essays and poetry. Mr. Tijerina resides in Vermont.


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