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Jagged Thought #166: So Many Sonnets, So Many Shakespeares


So many questions.
So many missed entries.
SO many applications.
So many wrong turns.
So many laughs held in
So many bridges burned
So many keys
So many locks.
So many doors to unlock.
So many mistakes.
So many miscues.
So many bulletpoints
So many conversations
So many lives passed.
So many mattered.
So many.
So many loveless nights.
So many fights.
So many tugs
So many shouts
So many doubts
So many rants
So many screams
So many.
So very tired.
So very sad.
So very done.
So done.
So many missed emails
So many ignored texts
So many missed dates
So many errors
So many misfires
So many.
So many friends lost
So many forgotten songs
So many stupid fucking poems.
So many.
So many pills.
So many medications.
So many people wanting things.
So many things undone.
So many things worth doing.
So much talent,
So much wasted
SO much energy
In a vacuum.
So many days left.
So many.
So many tries to keep you.
So many times you have threatened to leave.
So many dreams
So many
So many readers
So many nonreaders
So many ignorers
So many people
So many statuses
So many poets
So few actors.
So many artists
So many starbucks
So many posing
So many making it
So many trying
So many trying to be somebody
So many failing
So many stop
So many fail
So many forget
Who they are.
And why they matter.
So many tears.
So many she said
He said about so and so’s
So many stop signs.
So many signals.
So many Sonnets,
So many Shakespeares.


Jason Wright is the editor and founder of Oddball Magazine. His column appears weekly.


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