Illustration © George Panagopoulos

Illustration © George Panagopoulos


A hobbying store in full force
got on the ol’ lobbying horse
to not be receptive
of contraceptive
to sell child craft kits as matter of course.


To allow contraceptives for you
would undo their own moral glue,
and their business plan pleases
the teachings of Jesus
’cause Jesus likes scrapbooking too.


George Panagopoulos is an Artist, Writer, and Comedian from Worcester, MA. You won’t catch him pulling punches, he tries to focus on truth above partisan politics. “I want you to be compelled to discuss my stuff, it’s about starting a dialogue, making you reflect, and hopefully laugh”

Chad Parenteau’s limericks have been seen floating around in places like Salon and Mad Kane’s Humor Blog. He is a contributing editor to Oddball Magazine.