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The E.A.R.: My Thoughts on The Oscars Best Animated Feature Category

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I have managed to watch most of the animated films in the running for Best Animated Feature. I say “most” because one of them unfortunately is a foreign language film (Mirai) which despite my best efforts is extremely difficult to find legally, and via not so legal means. Anyways, let’s go through the films.

The Incredibles 2: This is pretty much everything a sequel should be. It jumps right to where the prior left off with no ridiculous time jumps or needless exposition for the sake of introducing a new audience. Incredibles 2 was made from the ground up for those who watched the original almost 15 years ago. Incredibles 2 does a pretty stellar job of building off of the original and really expanding the universe, all while leaving room for a third. Hopefully I won’t have to wait 15 more years for it.

Ralph Wrecks The Internet: This was the weakest of the bunch in my opinion. The first Wreck-It Ralph even with the video game Easter Eggs was something fresh, and something new. Wreck-It Ralph was a celebration of arcade gaming, and had a very thrilling story. The second movie unfortunately falls victim to a problem that exists in movies these days. Ralph Wrecks the Internet is the type of movie that introduces a new gimmick and relies heavily on it to carry the entire movie. The movie is a giant commentary on the current internet culture. It’s funny on the onset, but sadly it’s the only thing the movie has going for it. The joke gets old real fast, and the movie lacks anything good to offer beyond that. It was okay, but it fell really flat.

Isle of Dogs: I have a soft spot in my heart for stop action movies. I had high hopes for this movie. It was solid, but it had the potential to be more. It was a good movie, but I expected a hard hitting movie emotionally.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse This movie was an absolute treat. Into the Spiderverse is a celebration of the Spider-Man universe and just a overall really fun movie to watch. The only I gripe I had was that it ended too soon. We need more of these movies.

With all of this being said, the winner for me is between Incredibles 2, and Into the Spiderverse. Incredibles 2 is a fantastic sequel, but Into the Spiderverse is a love letter to Spider-Man. I’d have to go with Into the Spiderverse, because it feels so fresh, and fun. I feel like Incredibles 2 will win solely on the merit that it is a Disney movie, and those usually win at the Oscars.


Flemmings Beaubrun is an avid gamer and lover of music. When not working, Flemmings likes to spend his time whipping up dank beats for the masses. He also spends his weekends thrift shopping for rare video games and obscure electronics. Other times he’s in front of a TV with a giant bowl of cereal enjoying shows from the 90s.


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