I Begin Again

Sunday mornings, bitterness
of coffee. Silence & the
skies grey, cloud laden. This presence
I feel in the half-light. Bluish
words that spill from my hands.
Night vacant reels under the
pain of this. A vision of deep
rooms. Sleep beneath the bodhi
tree on a Sunday. I walk the
streets of Paris in my dream.
The slow inception of waking
hours. I sit there & gather
my thoughts. Sensations that
pool in liquid light. & those
night fires that flare in alleys
across the city. I’m reborn in
a hall of mirrors. Awaken to
the sound of
water flowing through the room.


Seth Howard the author of two chapbooks: Out of the East, & Waters from a Well. His work has appeared in Otoliths, BlazeVOX [books], unarmed journal, Big Hammer, Oddball Magazine, Chronogram, Saudade, & Elephant. He graduated from the University of Connecticut, & studied abroad at Sophia University in Tokyo for three years. In his spare time, he enjoys the practice of Zazen, watches J-drama, & co-edits CAPSULE Magazine in New London where he lives.

Chad Parenteau is Associate Editor of Oddball Magazine.