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Jagged Thought #524: Letter

Jagged Thoughts


Dear Mister President:

How have you been?
You are looking healthy
my friend.

You lost some friends.
You’ll get them back.
Rest your head.

Be proud of that,
being a big man
with the mic in hand.

I am proud to tell you
that I already
feel better about you.

I have been meaning
to tell you
that I’m proud of you.

You try so hard,
I want to try with you,
not doubt you.

You want to make it
all good in your head,
soul, and mind?

I’m with you.
You shine. Shine on,
crazy diamond.

You aren’t that crazy,
man, that shine of yours?
Keep shining.

I hear you have a daughter,
what’s it like with
that responsibility?

I think it’s beautiful
that you are the man
I know you could be.

You hanging in there
with your dad? I know,
family can be tough.

But I know
it’s all good,
and it’s all love.

What else you
been up to? Helping
people nine-to-five?

Letting people in on
how you live with a
quote unquote mental illness?

Not a bad living. Keep
doing it if it gives you
those good feelings.

What else is going on?
You working on
anything lately?

I know you are
always trying to
be creative.

How’s those meds? Not too
sedative? Keeping you out
of the hospital?

Keep going
if it saves,
let it save.

But if you want to
try something different,
I am with you.

I just wanted to
talk to you, to tell you
I’m fucking proud of you.

They push you down,
all different
sides of you.

But you step up,
stay true,
defy the odds.

Odds get it?
How’s Oddball Magazine?
On its 13th year of being?

How’s the podcast going?
You still doing it?
Just wrapped up another season?

And all that with a daughter?
What’s her name again?
Oh yeah, Emerson.

What a beautiful name,
and your still with that girl
from way back when?

Pretty proud
of you man. Keep doing
your thing.

Just wanted to
drop you a line, say I
still think of you sometimes.

And I am proud of you,
I love you, love
watching you shine.

Keep shining.


Jason Wright is the editor and founder of Oddball Magazine. His column appears weekly. His third book, Train of Thought 2: Almost Home is available now at the Oddball Book Store.


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